The BEST Christmas present ever!!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Nephew Hunter was born 12/22/09! He was 6lbs 11ozs 19 1/2 inches long! We were not expecting him to be here for Christmas because my sister was not due until January 11th but little Hunter decided he didn't want to wait a whole year to get in on the Christmas present action! My sister was feeling crampy on Monday and went to the dr., they told her she was 2 cm and they did a sono to check her placenta....everything was fine so she went home. The next morning she was getting ready for work....and her water broke! It was prefect timing because her husband who works out of town, had the entire week off and had just got home that day! So they arrived at the hospital at 5:15 am and Hunter was born at 8:19am!!!!! Yes you read that little sister....first time mom....had her baby 2 weeks and 6 days early and in only 3 hrs!!!! Fast labors run in the family mom had me in 2 1/2 hrs, Steph in 1 1/2 and Britt in 19 mins! I had the longest about 5 1/2 hrs.
Here is my sister and Hunter afer he was born

Hunter with his daddy

My sister did a great job and Hunter is absolutly perfect!! They went home the very next day and we all celebrated Hunter's first Christmas at my sister's house yesterday.
I took Sean over to meet Hunter on Christmas eve and he fell instantly in love with him. He wanted to kiss and hug him as soon as he saw him. It was soooo cute!
Sean meeting Hunter for the first time

In these pics Hunter fell asleep so we put him in his crib, then Sean decided he wanted to lay in the crib with Hunter....

Christmas when we told Sean we were going to see Hunter he got super excited! He is great with him. He just wants to hug, kiss, and hold him all the time!Its soooo precious!

Hunter in his Christmas sleeper

me holding my adorable nephew

Maybe now that Hunter is born my sister will create a blog for Him...huh Steph?!!!!;)

Look Who's on Santa's Lap........

Friday, December 18, 2009

Well...I finally took Sean to see Santa on Thursday. He has been saying "tanta" now for weeks every time we pass by a Santa pic, figurine, or see him on tv. So when I told him we were going to see Santa he got sooooo excited! I got him all dressed up in a nice sweater and brand new shoes, fought traffic getting to the mall, searched forever to find a parking spot, waited in a SUPER long line with a very impatient toddler saying "TANTA!!" the whole time, FINALLY made it to Santa's lap, sat Sean on Santa's lap and.....he SCREAMED AND CRIED!!!!!!!!!!! Yep after Sean was soooo excited to see Santa he sat in his lap and just screamed and cried...I tried giving him a candy cane, the picture lady jumped up and down with jingle bells...nothing worked....EXCEPT.........

YEP....Mommy sitting on Santa's lap with Sean!!! ha I was sooooo not planning on that.. hence the jacket...I soooo would have dressed a little nicer! But oh well. At least he stopped crying. And after the pic he turned and said "BYE TANTA!" Little Booger! I am hoping next year I won't have to sit on Santa's lap again!

****on a side note... I wanted to point out that I getting a jump start on my New Year's resolution by posting weekly! See.. 2 post in less then a week! GO ME!!!

My New Year's Resolutions!!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

#1.......POSTING ON THIS BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know I know...I think every time I post I say how I am so sorry it's been such a long time since I last posted and how I promise to get better at it! So that's why I am going to make this one of my new year's resolutions!!!! I would love to say that I plan to make daily updates but I don't want to set myself up for failure! So I am going to set a more realistic resolution is to post once a week!!! I think part of my problem has been that I don't want to post an update if I don't have a picture and since a Disney employee dropped ours and broke it at Disney we have been without one for a while! So I will post even if it means no picture! Also I didn't have a computer for a while but since my wonderful husband got me a SUPER awesome mini notebook for my bday I really have no excuse who knows maybe I will post more then once a week!
While I am on the subject of New Year's resolutions I figured I would share my others with you....thanks Jen for the idea (if you don't read her blog you should its great and she updates it all the time!)
Normally every year my new year's resolution is the lose weight! Ha isn't every ones??!! But not this year because I got a head start on it..I have been in a weight loss contest for the last 3 months and with less than a week left I am in first place hoping to win $430 bucks!!! I have lost 23 lbs and am 19 lbs less then I was when I first got pregnant with Sean!!!I have lost about 5-7 lbs less then what I really should be at so since I could stand to gain a couple lbs back ....the contest ends the 22nd and you better believe we already have plans for a cookout complete with cheeseburgers, french fries and oh course WINE!!!!! HAHA!!! But after I get back to a good healthy weight, one of my resolutions is to MAINTAIN my weight!!!!

I have been running alot since the contest started and I want to keep doing that at least twice a week along with some spinning and toning classes. I ran a 5k a few weeks ago and I plan to run another in February!!!
Another resolution I have is very different from ANY New Year resolution I have ever had.....I want to read the bible in a year!

Yep....that's my resolution!!! I asked Justin to get me the "One Year Bible" for Christmas and it takes you through the whole bible in a year...just way easier to read....the book starts on January 1st and just has a few pages to read daily. I asked him to get me the NIV version so it would be even easier to read. We have been going to church regularly now for months and I teach Sunday school but I have never actually sat down and read the bible all the way through. I recently went to a bible study group and it truly changed me! I absolutely loved it and it had me reading little bits of the bible and left me wanting to read the rest. So....that's my resolution! I figure if I can make time to read all the twilight books...some multiple times...then I can find time to read a few pages of the bible daily!
My last resolution is to juggle everything while staying on top of them all!!!

There are soooooo many things that fall into this category! NUMBER 1...LAUNDRY!!!!! Then there is just the daily things like dishes and picking up the house! Staying productive at work! Cooking!The list go3es on and on!!! I am gonna try SUPER hard in this category though because I always just kinda put things off but 2010 is a new year!!!
So...there you have it! All my New Year's resolutions!!!
So you will definitely get to see if I follow through with my first resolution...posting weekly! I truly am gonna try super hard! I mean after all, its a New Year's resolution and no one every breaks those... right?!!!